When you are thinking about the design and layout of your kitchen, the choice of fridge freezer is an important one. These days, there are many options that you can go for. If you have some space to play around with, you may want to consider the American-style fridge freezer.
The American-style fridge freezer is not all about size, though the first thing to know is that they do tend to be rather large. One of the key differences with an American-style fridge freezer is that they have two doors which range the full length of the fridge freezer and which open outwards from the middle. This makes them distinct from designs which have the fridge compartment placed above the freezer. It also means that you are going to have some more space in the fridge and the freezer areas, respectively. Ultimately, because of this design feature, they are wider than other styles, so this needs to be taken into account when you are making your plans.
It is all about doing the research, though, as is the case with every kitchen appliance. We have many American-style fridge freezers here in our store which will give you are good idea of the kinds of dimensions. But you can assume from the start that they will be in the vicinity of between 70cm and 100cm in width, and between 60cm and 80cm in depth. Do bear in mind as well that you should have a space of at least 5cm at back and 3cm at the top for ventilation. Though it is true to say that they are generally much wider than other styles because of the dual middle-opening doors, there is still a variety of sizes that you can go for.

One of the big things that these kinds of fridge freezer units bring to the table is not only their capacity to store a lot, but their added functions which can be built into the doors. Many, for example, come with cold water and ice machines integrated into the freezer door. This can be done in a couple of ways. One is the non-plumbed method, whereby the fridge freezer has an internal compartment in the freezer section which is to be filled with water. This then feeds through into the cold water and ice machine. The other is the plumbed-in method, whereby you have the fridge freezer connected to the plumbing of your home when you have it installed. This means it simply uses the water from your home supply to feed into the ice and cold water machine.
All this, along with the matter of the appearance of the fridge freezer itself, will represent the key things to think about when you are making your decision. Fridge freezers are great if you have a family or you have a large kitchen, so do explore this rich world of options and you will soon have yourself a multi-functional hub of food and drink set up in the heart of the home.